人工知能 – 人間知能会議

On December 14, 2019, the first World Artificial Intelligence Human Intelligence Meeting was held in Geneva, Switzerland. Among the attendees were: JOSE LUIS RODRIGUEZ ZAPATERO JUAN ANTONIO MARCH PUJOL H.E. SHAUKAT AZIZ CHE FU JAIME MALET FERNANDO ZALLO BASILIO BALTASAR EROL USER KENNETH PUSKHIN JOSÉ LUIS BONET Some of the reflections and debates were the following:This is a new line of action for the Onuart Foundation. As we know, the Onuart Foundation made the great work of art in the Human Rights and Alliance of Civilizations Room at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva. This Room, which houses the artwork of Miquel Barceló and which is linked to the Foundation, …

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